Bottom Shaker My Secret

Bottom Shaker My Secret

Jimmy Reu 25 juli 2007 Hungary 3146 views
Zecret Zorro aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-D-VDH-NL-AUT-H-SK-SLO-LUX-GR Ch. Zecret Zorro aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal22-10-2000HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeStonebrook California BreezeD-VDH-NL-BE-LUX Ch. Stonebrook California Breeze17-08-1991HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeAM Ch. Shantel's Headed For The Future09-01-1988AM Ch. Windfield Jack Daniel24-05-1983
Shantel's Standing OvationAM Ch. Shantel's Standing Ovation26-03-1981
AM Ch. Pettibone's Stonebrooks Gem07-08-1985AM-CAN Ch. Scarborough's Peacock Alley ROM13-03-1984
AM Ch. Pettibone's Talisman Hi Times09-07-1982
Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalXmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal31-07-1998Not For Sale aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalWW '99-INT-D-VDH-NL-NORD-SE-FIN-DK-BE-LUX Ch. Not For Sale aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal05-01-1996Bugaboo's Some'n To TalkaboutAM Ch. Bugaboo's Some'n To Talkabout ROM16-02-1990HD Good
Firlefanz aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalFirlefanz aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal08-04-1993HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
INT-D-VDH-PL Ch. Movie Star von den Hottentotten18-05-1991Sparkle Square's China BlueINT-D-VDH-NL Ch. Sparkle Square's China Blue25-05-1987
Fenomenal aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal24-09-1985
Reata's JackpotBIH Ch. Reata's Jackpot11-02-2004Lambluv's Sound Of MusicCAN-AUT Ch. Lambluv's Sound Of Music07-05-1998AM Ch. Wullyweather's CliffurrdAM Ch. Barkshire's Lonesome Johnny ROM26-03-1991
Wullyweather's Fureasy Sailin06-10-1992
AM Ch. Gambolon Lambluv Diamond Aura07-07-1995Lambluv's Desert DancerAM Ch. Lambluv's Desert Dancer ROM17-08-1993
AM Ch. Gambol On-Middling Th'Banjo ROM07-04-1992
Reata's AvantgardeINT-SE-DK-HR Ch. Reata's Avantgarde ROM26-03-1995Lamedazottel High 'n MightyINT-ITA-CH-AUT-H-SLO-HR-LUX Ch. Lamedazottel High 'n Mighty02-04-1991Lamedazottel FlamboyantGB Ch. Lamedazottel Flamboyant10-05-1989
Zottels Moonlight Serenade Of LamedaGB Ch. Zottels Moonlight Serenade Of Lameda05-01-1985
Lamedazottel Kiss Me QuickINT-AUT-H-SLO-HR-LUX Ch. Lamedazottel Kiss Me Quick25-10-1992Bobbington Latin LoverGB Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover03-01-1990HD 0:0
GB Ch. Lamedazottel Garbo03-05-1990

Aanvullende informatie

  • Kennel Bottom Shaker
  • FokkerIstván Szetmár & Jozsef Koroknai
  • EigenaarJozsef Koroknai
  • Woonachtig inHungary
  • Gezondheid uitslagen HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
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