AM Ch.

Brightcut Sea Fever

Reu 2 december 2013 United States 1174 views
Pettibone's Little Big ManAM-GRAND Ch. Pettibone's Little Big Man ROM28-09-2007HD Good | eyes: Cataract & PRA free | EIC +/+ | MDR1 +/+Haystac's Let's RollAM Ch. Haystac's Let's Roll07-03-2002HD Good | eyes: Cataract & PRA freeWinchester Brightcut DominoAM Ch. Winchester Brightcut Domino ROM02-12-1984HD Fair | eyes: Cataract & PRA freeAM Ch. Brightcut Rhythm 'N Blues ROM
Brightcut Winchester Pirate04-12-1981
Haystac's In The Nic Of TimeAM-CAN Ch. Haystac's In The Nic Of Time ROM16-10-1995HD Excellent | eyes: Cataract & PRA freeAM Ch. Familytree Footsteps ROM29-09-1991HD Excellent | eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Haystac's Happy HattieAM-CAN Ch. Haystac's Happy Hattie ROM27-06-1990
AM Ch. Pettibone's Whatever Lola Wants31-10-2004Wynsilot Analyze ThisAM Ch. Wynsilot Analyze This ROM13-11-2001HD GoodAM Ch. Fuzzy Acre Meet The Press06-12-1996
AM Ch. Wynsilot Doing It Right ROM20-01-1995
AM Ch. Pettibone's Girls Night Out ROM29-07-1999AM Ch. Barkshire's Darkside O'The Moon ROM08-06-1995
AM Ch. Pettibone's Struttin' My Stuff13-12-1996
Brightcut Girls With Guitars02-05-2010Brightcut Snowdowne Frett'n The Blues20-02-2005AM Ch. Brightcut Rhythm 'N Blues ROMAM Ch. Brightcut Limited Edition ROM13-12-1977
AM Ch. Deardre's Roxy Music ROM27-03-1975
SnowDowne Cotswold CassandraAM Ch. SnowDowne Cotswold Cassandra ROM15-07-1999HD GoodBrightcut SnowDowne LimitedAM Ch. Brightcut SnowDowne Limited ROM22-11-1993
Cotswold Promise O'SnowDowneAM Ch. Cotswold Promise O'SnowDowne ROM20-01-1997
AM Ch. Whisperwoods Won N Only ROM19-02-2005AM Ch. Whisperwoods Wild Biscuit ROM18-01-2003AM Ch. Whisperwoods Wizzard Of Oz ROM23-12-2000
AM Ch. Whisperwoods War And Peace02-09-1998
AM Ch. Whisperwoods Walkonbrightside ROM03-06-2001AM Ch. Brightcut Flashpoint ROM11-01-1991
AM Ch. Whisperwoods Who On Earth24-10-1995

Aanvullende informatie

  • Kennel Brightcut
  • FokkerCassandra & Robert Arble
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