Youandi Tiramisu

Kyona Teef 24 november 2009 1594 views
Argovian Imported By YouandiArgovian Imported By Youandi10-04-2008HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | PCD +/+Kerjalee Azure23-05-2004INT-GB Ch. Allmark Ralph Lauren26-10-1996GB Ch. Lamedazottel Keep Cool25-10-1992
Allmark Obsession15-03-1993
GB Ch. Kerjalee Moments Special23-10-1999Kerjalee Joe Cool05-02-1994
Kerjalee Lalas Moments11-05-1997
Argovian Emotional AffairINT-D-VDH-CH-AUT Ch. Argovian Emotional Affair30-11-2003HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeLambluv's Sound Of MusicCAN-AUT Ch. Lambluv's Sound Of Music07-05-1998AM Ch. Wullyweather's Cliffurrd
AM Ch. Gambolon Lambluv Diamond Aura07-07-1995
Argovian Cherry BlossomINT-D-VDH-CH-BE-AUT-LUX Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom27-09-2000HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | ED 0 | BAER +/+Krisendaw Silver Steel At Shaggylands03-08-1997
Pennylane Love 'n KissesINT-D-VDH-ITA-CH-AUT Ch. Pennylane Love 'n Kisses10-01-1994
Youandi AllureYouandi Allure09-06-2007HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeZottels Just As-U Like ItZottels Just As-U Like It08-08-2004HD 2:5 | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | PCD +/+Dreamdancers BallantinesINT-D-VDH-NL-SE Ch. Dreamdancer's Ballantines20-09-1999HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeUno di Uno aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalWW '03-INT-D-VDH-SE-LUX Ch. Uno di Uno aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal27-11-1996HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Georgina von BlutenparadiseGeorgina vom Blütenparadies04-06-1998
Zottels Wildest Dream24-09-1997Bobbington Latin LoverGB Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover03-01-1990HD 0:0
Lamedazottel Hello AgainGB Ch. Lamedazottel Hello Again02-04-1991
Youandi Limited EditionYouandi Limited Edition17-12-1998HD TC | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeDK Ch. Shaggy Danes Sir Lancelot19-02-1995DK Ch. Shaggy Danes Gold Finger28-01-1993
DK Ch. Shaggy Danes Super Duper08-04-1987
Youandi Lots Of FunYouandi Lots Of Fun17-11-1990HD +/- | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeYosemite28-03-1986
Surprise van 't SchokkerlandSurprise van 't Schokkerland17-12-1987

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  • Gezondheid uitslagen HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | PCD +/+
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